Telecommunication have always played a vital role in the management of the modern grid system. Until the advent of the smart grid, this has been required to deliver connectivity for back office systems and remote monitoring. Information Flow, Data Management, Monitoring & Control at domestic level have been facilitated by information and communication technologies.
The demands of climate change and the 21st century information based society requires the development of a smart grid which is created on advanced communication and networking technologies with frameworks that deliver centralized real time monitoring and measurement control across the entire power grid system. The concept of Smart Grid is the combination of Power grid with the communication technology. A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operational and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficiency resources. Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid. Roll-out of smart grid technology also implies a fundamental re-engineering of the electricity services industry, although typical usage of the term is focused on the technical infrastructure.
All smart grid strategies and visions are founded upon the availability of telecommunication network capability. The Energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction among other leading information and communications technology solutions, radical new power systems architectures and innovative market mechanisms to support increasing renewable energy deployment and the electrification of transportation and heating in the world today are cutting across business and industrial sectors. It is widely agreed that products and services of information and communication technology (ICTF FPNSG) industry are significant enablers for reaching the desired sustainability.
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